Fifth email for the class Apps & Social Media-Hyflex at OLLI Spring 2023

Hello everyone!

On Thursday May 4, we had a very interesting class:

Here are the links we watched:

Instagram step by step:

How to Start and Grow Your YouTube Channel from Zero — 7 Tips:

We had several hands-on with Instagram and the unique opportunity to see how it looks from inside of a user; Me. 

I showed you how the lay-out was distributed on a laptop in difference of how it was in the phone. 

This was a unique experience because I was in my computer and I was able to show you how the sync of passwords worked in a computer with the apps. 

Another great opportunity of this class, was to be able to do hands on in Instagram with people that don’t have the Instagram app in their phones or anywhere else, and how Instagram responded.

Another part of the class was most interesting because many of you have asked how an influencer is made. In this case we saw the link and talked about all the 7 tips, and how You-Tubers, and/or bloggers, have grown from cero to influencers, with different examples, besides the ones on the link, and using also, your own platforms to go big in your sharing, visits, and followers in your own apps.

The next thing was to talk about the opportunity to advertise your sites.

Next class we will talk about that, introducing the QR app that has been used during the Pandemic in great scale. I had the opportunity to attend a wonderful class about the topic. The good thing is that the host in Zoom recorded the meeting and we will talk about the main points, and see if we can have it as a link for extra app to learn about. The important points will be:

 First, how to use it as a tool to reach promptly a URL.

 And second; how to have your own QR, and how to use it.

We will see how to use Spotify, Tic Toc, and some of the different kinds of messaging apps that are there. Links during class.

Have fun, and see you soon.

